What is this?
Endodontics save your teeth from unnecessary and premature extraction, and ensure you don’t end up experiencing pain. This type of dentistry deals with the treatment of root canals. Literally translated, the term means “intradental”. In other words, our endodontist will “take over” your damaged tooth from the inside to help save it.
What does it help with?
- Granuloma or dental abscesses. This severe inflammation of the bone tissue around the root of the tooth can be extremely painful and dangerous for the entire body. It is most often the result of untreated pulpitis or poorly performed previous endodontic treatment.
- Pulpitis or inflammation of the dental nerve. Pulpitis appears due to late treatment of cavities and is unpleasant and painful.
- Deeply damaged or broken teeth that lead to inflammation in the root tissues.
How does it work?
The most popular layman’s term for endodontics is “nerve killing”. In modern dentistry, it is required to be done under a microscope – only strong magnification can guarantee accurate and successful treatment.